
IMG_1209The Secret Teachings is hosted by veteran radio host, researcher and writer, Ryan Gable. Named after Manly P. Hall’s great work The Secret Teachings of All Ages, the show focuses on the Synchronicity of Alternative News, Health (GMO & Organic) Alternative (ancient) History, the Paranormal, Astrotheology (Religion & Astronomy), the Occult, Politics, Symbolism, Philosophy, the Esoteric, and the Secret Doctrine. What Ryan (and Mike D. when he cohosts) attempt to do is present as many sides to a situation as possible and allow for the listeners to create their own opinions on the information presented. Ryan welcomes authors, researchers, speakers, activists, and others, to discuss current events and their work.

 Host – Ryan Gable

Photo on 2-28-16 at 3.30 PM #3Ryan Gable is a film school graduate with a Bachelors of Science degree in film and audio production. He is a five-year plus radio host, producer, manager, writer, editor, and promotions director for his radio show The Secret Teachings. Ryan is also an author and has written for alternative health and paranormal magazines, although once the articles were complete the magazine publishers refused to publish the work because of its content. Some attempt censorship, but this fails due to Ryan’s strict adherence to telling things the way they are.

From the time he was young, he always had a fascination with how things worked and how he could better understand them. He also had a burning desire for uncovering what others try to keep hidden for selfish purposes. Ryan believes that ‘truth’ is found when all sides to a situation are weighed and not just one or the other; in other words, duality. He also believes that by choosing a side you automatically become subject to that side’s praises and faults.

Ryan is a dedicated researcher into dozens of areas of study including; Alternative History, Alternative Science, Comparative Religions, Symbolism, Hermetic Philosophy, Esotericism, Health, the Paranormal, Extraterrestrials, the Occult, the Secret Doctrine, Magic(k), Synchronicities, Philosophy, Astrotheology and much more.

The Secret Teachings airs LIVE

Saturdays @ 12am EST / 9pm PST

Sundays @ 12am EST / 9pm PST

Listen & Chat on LNM Network – HERE

Listen on iTunes – HERE

Listen on TuneIn – HERE

Listen to the show Archive:HERE



The Grand Illusion-Slaves to Perception (Softcover) (Digital)

FRONT Cover Revised

False Profits & the Lovers of Children (Softcover) (Digital)


The Persistent Illusion (Softcover) (Digital)


Support the show and Ryan’s research and writing. 

We are trying to expand the program to more nights a week.

Please donate $10-20 (or more) a month if you are able.


Wisdom is not bestowed, it is achieved

All opinions are welcome.

Stop letting people tell you what to think, including us

Do the research, do the math

Be informed, not afraid

These are some of the guidelines that The Secret Teachings tries to follow:

1) No one man or organization can hold claim to the absolute truth
2) Illumination is not bestowed, it is achieved
3) No man is greater than the sum of his own parts
4) The wise man is modest in success, patient in beauty, and at peace with all things
5) The attempt to live all beliefs leads not to illumination, but to contradiction and psychic stress.
6) What you earn comes to you; what you have not earned can never be yours; neither a god nor a man can alter the complexion of these facts
7) Wisdom is its own reward; those who possess it can never be humiliated, impoverished or degraded.
8) The highest wisdom is silent fact
9) The man who desires to be superior to other men can truly achieve this end only by being nobler than other men in thought and action.
10) While it is a virtue to respect the opinions of threes, it is not always a cirque to try to live or accept these contradictory opinions in your own life.
11) Tranquility takes a normal attitude toward everything.
12) Man should never expect metaphysical enlightenment until he has perfected himself in every department of living and thinking.

9 thoughts on “About

  1. I appreciate analytical, comprehensive, and passionate searching for answers. The conspiracy theory is the denial of knowledge and ridicule of those who seek truth. Keep up the search.

  2. Greetings : Great Show , you can hold your own and are better than anything ctoc comes up with . Entertaining , intelligent dispensing of information that keeps you on the edge of your seat . A great show to be heard on the Dark Matter Radio Network . Following Dark Weekend w/Steve Warner makes your show a entertaining time on Sat night that I won’t miss . Cheers……..

  3. Ryan Gable & Mike D, I received a email some time ago about cross promotion. I would really like to have you both on my show soon if you would be interested. You guys are great and ohhhhh so much knowledge. Email me please and lets get you guys on.

  4. I like the show. I will be looking through
    the archives.
    I am not use to hearing the colorful
    medafores to quote Captain Kirk.
    Sometimes people won’t listen just because
    of this.
    Great topics though.
    I too feel the fustration with the crazy
    stuff that’s going on.

  5. Ryan, listening to your show December 28, 2014. Just want to thank you for all you do, getting this information out. As far as the number 13, I remember at each 10 wondering and worrying about the arrogance of Apollo 13’s launch time being 13:13!

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